viernes, 26 de noviembre de 2010



Technology is one of the pillars that underpin modern society and this is not a derogation in the study of medical sciences, for these reasons we will give a look at different technologies proving useful in studying basic science of medicine.

In the study of human Anatomy is essential we manage some information and techniques, but it is also important to have proved necessary implements such as saws, formalin, tweezers and gloves. In Histology the tecnology results more necesary, for example we need a microscope, ligths, differents tipes of stains like eosin, and in Physiology we need the same things that in Histology and Anatomy but the Physiology studies the function of the human body.


In medicine there are a lot of theories and tecnology is one of the tools we possess in order to prove these theories, but the technology not only helps provide theories but also vital to meet our world more fully and in the case of medical science the human body, both in its physiological, histological and anatomical level. For these reasons, I can assert that the medical technology is one of the better tools for investigation today.

In Histology results fundamental the use of microscope, stains, ligths and human histological cuts, but the technology is not everything at the same time we need a person trained, with sufficient studies and intelligence in order to use these tools and demostrate theories achieve or discover a new stings for example, in Anathomy we need lees tools but this tools results very importants for example tweezers and formalin are essential tools for creating a good Anatomical body, In Physiology we need tools and skills rather similar but not identical.

Is ideal to have people prepared, good technological materials, curiosity and research methodologies to obtain effective results in the future, if any of these elements are missing is almost impossible to achieve good results at the level of scientific development


Technology alone is not sufficient to guarantee human development but with intelligence, human curiosity and the scientific method are the four key pillars that underpin the development and medical research

It concludes that without technology we could not have such high levels of knowledge, not only in the area of medical science but in all areas as mathematics, physical, physical architecture, antropology, physiopatology, genetic, robotic, paleontology among others. But it is equally important to have a profecional prepared to handle this level of technology.

Technology is the basis on which human knowledge is based, besides technology protects us from the outside world.

miércoles, 24 de noviembre de 2010

Travel Experience

Since I was a baby I like travel, I like be in the car with the window open and see the different landscapes with the wind brushing my face.
Maybe if I had a lot of money so I only dedicate to travel and learn about different cultures in the world.
But my situation is not this, and I have to conform with travel when I have time or when I'm on vacation.

When I know that I'll travel I get very anxious and start to prepare every detail, to avoid any unforeseen. For example when I go to the beach, which is usually always in the summer, and I know that I'll stay for at least 3 weeks, beginning more than a week before leaving to buy either sunscreen, hawaianas, clothes etc.. I don´t no why but I do.

My favourite place to go is the beach, because I can go with my family and meet with some friends. Also I like the beach because I love bathing in the sea. I recomended to go to Coquimbo because this place had everything you want from tours,discos, bike paths, pubs, malls, museums, beaches, etc.

This year when I went to Coquimbo with my family and my boyfriend, was a day when we went to visit some friends who were in Tongoy, where they were was a distant land to the people and the road was dirt, what happened is we had to bend and my uncle got into a pit of sand and the ligh truck stalled. All we had to get off, and stay in the middle of nowhere without a tree that shaded us. My uncle tried to remove it but it was worse and there were about an hour while our friends arrived in another car with a rope. After that I just wanted to take a large glass of water and power going to go to throw the water to pass the terrible heat.

lunes, 15 de noviembre de 2010

The Films of my Life

Hi everyone today I I will talk about movies :)

I love watching all kinds of movies except science fiction because I hated.
The kind of movies I like to see are the romantic with a touch of suspense, accompanied an unexpected outcome like A lot like love for example or Black Book that combines historical facts with suspense and romance.

I sometimes like to go to the cinema to watch movies, but only major releases as Harry Potter, big romantic and horror movies, because the screen is very big and the sound is much louder that makes you wrap in the movie.
I like too see movies in my home because I have a sound theather and with my mom prepare a good hash, we took to the piece, we lie and we get to enjoy a good movie without paying the high costs of going to the cinema.
My favorite movie is pride and perjudice, I never get tired of seeing it, nor read the book. The story is based on Jane Austen's novel about five sisters - Jane, Elizabeth, Mary, Kitty and Lydia Bennet - in Georgian England. Their lives are turned upside down when a wealthy young man (Mr. Bingley) and his best friend (Mr. Darcy) arrive in their neighborhood.

I have to say I'm no good for Chilean movies because they always associate everything with sex, but there are exceptions like "La vida de los peces".
One of the films that had left a trace upon me is "Prime" because when I saw the film for the first time I said "I never fall in love with someone younger than me", and am now engaged to someone younger than me.

Now I'm anxious to go see the film one of the last parts of harry potter. I'll go with my mom and my boyfriend.

miércoles, 27 de octubre de 2010


Hi everyone today I'll speak about Dr. Maldonado's paper neuromyth. One caught my attention " We only use 10% of our brain"

A lot of times we hear that the people said we use only 10% of our brains, but dr. Maldonado said in his paper that this typical sentence is False.
After to read this paper I belive this sentence like any of you, but recently the scientists have found that this is false.
In 1930 one scientist explorer the brain using electric shocks and many areas, as many areas of the brain did not react to this shocks and he concluded that this areas had not function. Maybe before this results the people started to talk about we do not use the 100% of our brains.
But with the time, this theory was annulled. Years ago with the technology the scientists found that the brain is organized in multiple areas, such as vision, hearing, etc.. But if we're seeing us when we are also listening, we're moving, talking is, our brain is activating a number of areas for everything we do everyday is very difficult that only a part of our brain will be active.

Now if we think more deeply, we realize that even when we sleep we are using our brains, or do not you dream? when I read this article never in my life I had been thinking about this, and now I realize it's true, if we dream it should be because some part of our brain is active and if we add to this all the above areas is definitely impossible to think not to use all our capabilities.

I found this article fascinating because I was one of the persons that believe that we use only 10% of our brains and the doctor showed me with simple examples that this phrase was just a big myth.

martes, 26 de octubre de 2010

Work stress!

What is stress?
Many people ask this question and I think that stress is a growing problem, disabling either in the university and at work where he has a personal cost, socially and economically very important. The costs and losses for the cost of stress are many and increasing year after year, as some articles I've read the rate of absenteeism, low productivity in companies, occupational accidents and low morale at work are some of these losses.

Stress usually starts with a set of environmental demands received by the individual, which should give an adequate response, launching their coping resources. When demand from the environment (work, social, etc.) is excessive compared to coping resources owned, will develop a series of adaptive reactions, resource mobilization, involving physiological arousal. This stress response includes a number of negative emotional reactions, of which the most important are: anxiety, anger and depression.

In my physiology classes I have learned for example that the human body has a great set of protection mechanisms for almost any situation that produces stress or affect organ function. This reaction causes the body maintain balance. The stress response is not negative in itself, but on the contrary, it facilitates more resources to deal with situations that pose exceptional.
This is because what happens to me is that many times when an activity does not generate a minimum of stress eventually becomes boring and uninspiring and consequently becomes stressful

Finally I believe that the stress in a just measure is necessary for our development nevertheless when this one becomes slightly disagreeable and we use enormous mental and organic energy we have to stop and consult a specialist.

viernes, 15 de octubre de 2010

A healthy lifestyle

In these times is extremely difficult to live healthy because we have a lot of tentations.

But what does that mean? In general, a healthy person doesn't smoke, is at a healthy weight, eats healthy and exercises. Sounds simple, doesn't it?
The trick to healthy living is making small changes...taking more steps, adding fruit to your cereal, having an extra glass of water...these are just a few ways you can start living healthy without drastic changes.
Starting with small changes can go creating a routine and get stronger every day diet and exercise as these changes we do not ruin the mood as many people tend to happen

Eating a healthy diet is another part of the healthy lifestyle: eat more fruit, sneak in more veggies, switch your salad dressing, eat low-fat or fat-free dairy, make some substitutes, etc.

Also the habits of a person with a healthy lifestyle are doing exercices, take a walk,use the stairs and leave the elevator,etc.
The weekends are fine to go perfect for exercising and thus maintain a healthy lifestyle, for example you can go to the mountain bike and get to the virgin.
Another option is if you do not have much time in the week to go to gimasio go on the weekends and so do the exercise that could not be done in week.
For this is recommended use clothes to use light clothes and good sneakers.

Is difficult follow this, but all is posible, even more if it's your own life.

domingo, 5 de septiembre de 2010

My favourite get-away


When I think of a place I go when I feel stressed or tired many places come to my mind and I think is very difficult to know which is my favorite.
Place depends on how I feel.
When I feel stressed soil tell my boyfriend to go to Sculpture Park, is a nice place in Stgo. It is a few meters from the underground " Salvador". I like this place because is silence, there are many green areas where you can sit back and look at the sky through the leaves of the trees and it is best that is in a place where you can hear the birds singing. And it is best that I can do in the company of my boyfriend.

Another place I go when I feel tired or stressed is the "Cerro San Cristobal", I think it's because I always went with my parents when we were small and there is a place that brings back memories of childhood and makes me de-stress and think more positive when I have problems.

But the best place is Coquimbo, I go when I can and I always think it's best.
Coquimbo has many places to go, such is the "Barrio Ingles" where there are many places to eat or go to spend a pleasant evening. Another fantastic place is its beaches, which are not many waves, where you can swim far offshore and without much risk. Another thing is that between Coquimbo and La Serena is a great bike path where I can use to exercise and relax.
The problem is that coquimbo is far from Santiago so I go only in vacation, but it is certainly one of the best places to de-stress and I can really go 100% happy.

domingo, 22 de agosto de 2010


Hello :) many weeks have happened without writing and today I will speak on My favourite kind of music.
Since I was a child that I liked the rock. More even since I saw the serie Tic- Tac and they were touching to every moment the songs of Queen.
But when I had thirteen one friend give me a CD with his favorite music to listen it and give my opinion. One group called my attention "The Used".
In this moment I became a fan and with the help of my friend I got all the albums of them.
On December, eleven, 2007 my dream made real: the band came to Chile. I waited per months for his arrival and buy the entry scarcely it went out to the sale. Until the day came and I was to seeing them to the theatre Caupolican after hours of wait and enormous heat. The concert was great, I think the best concert in my life.
But The Used is not the only group that I listen, also I listen Rufio, Millencolin, Thrice and other bands of alternative rock. Also I listen romantic music like Camila, Sin Bandera,Reik and others, but only when I falling in love because the romantic music without love makes me be depressed.
Sometime when I feel down I listen electronic music or regueton to make me happier.

I think that the music is a important thing in the lives of people because the music is something that identifies us and leads us to our inner world full of emotions, feelings and memories.

miércoles, 30 de junio de 2010

My blogging experience

This semester in my English classes I had to write on this blog. I didn't know anything about blogs, but I was required to learn about this.
Really, for my it is very difficult talk about this topic, because sometimes I like blogging and other times I hate it.
Sometimes I enjoy write in the blog because I was inspired, the topics that the teacher gave were interesting and funny and had many things to write, as the topic of "Free time". I can write many thing because I like talking about myself and about things that I do.
I think blogging is good, because I learn to handle more language, but sometimes it gets boring because not always I come with the desire to start to writing.
Even so I learned new words and new modes of writing.
I think one of the greatest disadvantages of writing a blog is that many issues are bored and this means that I simply do not write well and sometimes use the translator.
Other disadvantage is that being on a computer with an internet often distracted by sites such as facebook.
Finally I believe that despite its drawbacks, which are due mostly to the boring, topics, I think that write in the blog is very good to improve our english.

miércoles, 23 de junio de 2010

My ideal job!

For me it was very hard to decide what I wanted to be when I will be adult, because is something that I do all my life and my duty to do so with joy and with the best possible arrangement to deliver a good service.
Since five years I dreamed of becoming a midwife and then specialize in the area of neonatology. Is for this reason that my ideal job is work in neonatology because I love the babies and I think that I have the necessary characteristics for this job, features such as speed and psychological capacity to perform such delicate work without feeling emotional pressure.
In seven years I can see me working in a hospital in the neonatology area, I can see me too taking care of many premature babies, conduct tests and most exciting is that I can see me waiting for the exit to the world of many babies.
I have very clear what I want so now I must endeavor to achieve good grades for then have a vacancy in the specialization of neonatology.
In my early years as a midwife I want to work very hard to save money and buy a house.
I think that until we have kids take turns not mind, but later I think that I take a other specialization " sex education". In this way I will have a work schedule that has no shift.

I do not care if I work in the public area or private area that really interests me is do my work in a pleasant environment where it may be able to grant the user the best possible service.

miércoles, 16 de junio de 2010

Education and prevention in health care

The term "prevention" is typically used to represent activities that stop an action or behavior. It can also be used to represent activities that promote a positive action or behavior.
Protective factors are conditions in families and communities that, when present, increase the health and well-being of children and families.
As a health worker I must promote various types of tecniques to keep the hygiene and with this, manage to the people can prevent diferents diseases, because with a simple measure as wash the hands before to eat can decrease the stomach infections in children.
Too measures such as warm in winter, not exposed to air currents, to teach children good hands hygiene and other various can dicrease diseases, but this needs the support and understanding of the whole family.
As a midwife my work is prevent, for example, the early pregnancies, poor lactation, sexually transmitted infections and unwanted pregnancies.
For this I have to promote the use of contraceptive methods, promote condon use and the most important promote that the young people have access to information about this methods and the correct use of this.
A lot of institutions work with young people through videos,talks and with personals citations with midwives or gynecologists for to clarify various doubts or to get protection methods to prevent an unwanted pregnancy or transmission of sexual infection.

miércoles, 9 de junio de 2010

Men and Women differences through history

The "traditional" roles of men and women were established to ensure the power of the head of household. In antiquity, that head of household was male. We have been socialized to expect men to be brave, industrious and domineering. Women have been expected to be submissive, timid and nurturing. Because the typical male qualities were thought to be a better springboard for sound decision making, men became the power in the family. Women were left to lament their fates.
Now in our society is not the same being a woman than a man, but these differences are not as great as in antiquity.
One of these differences for example: the woman has joined the world of work but they earn less money than men working in the same position.I think that this is very unfair because not for be women they doing a bad work.
Obviously men and woman had biological differences and these produce that men for example dress differently than women and this generate different gender stereotypes between men and woman.
I believe that the differences between women and men should not be, because we are people and we have the same rights.
In my area not exists differences being a male midwife and being female midwife but a lot of people thinks that the male midwives are gay.
This is not true, but a lot of people in our society had in their minds that the midwives had to be a women.

miércoles, 19 de mayo de 2010

Pleasure or necessity?

I think that the food is the one of the greatest pleasures that exist, because not only removes your hunger but also give to you something to enjoy and delight the palate.
I'm not the kind of person who has only one favorite food. I like many foods like chips,fried fish,beans,pizza, cakes, noodles with much bolognese sauce or the lasagna These two last ones now I don't like as before because the casino always have this food for luch.
I also like baked chicken with potatoes Duchess I think that this maybe can be my favourite food, but I think that I love all food provided you have good smell and appearance. Perhaps I am too greedy. I don`t know but to me is soo complicated decided who is my favourite food because I like many foods.
In Santiago I usually go to eat with my friends at Mcdonalds but the place depends of the occasion for example if we go to talk and eat we go at "Patio centro" but if we can to distract and eat we to Bellavista.
With my parents always go to lunch at the Eladio Restaurant. The food here is delicious!
The food that I consider enemy of good health is the junk food but eat this food occasionally is not soo bad.

viernes, 14 de mayo de 2010

Midwifery :)

I think the most important point to being a midwife is provide offer care to childbearing women during their pregnancy, labour and birth, and during the postpartum period. They also care for the newborn, including assisting the mother with breastfeeding.
Together we provide comprehensive health to woman, not only in the pregnancy, also in the adolescence. This is very important because we guide in the process of knowledge of sexuality, preventing unwanted pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases.

On the other hand, the midwives figh for humanized childbirth. This is essential because often, in the parthian, medicines and technologies are used unnecessary, becoming this beautiful moment in something traumatic for the baby and mother. And my expectatives are these, contribute to the return of humanized childbirth and in the future build a home birth.

I decided to be a midwife because I see myself in five years assisting in the work of parthian and I'm happy just thinking this.

miércoles, 5 de mayo de 2010


I will speak about because I think is a great website where talk about reproduction and sexual health.
This website has many links related to maternity, lactation, adolescence contraceptive methods, sexually transmitted infections and sexual and reproductive rights.
Pressing this links the webpage shows you a lot of documents about the theme chosen.
These themes I think that are very interesting because I used to not only my profesion but also my own life.
This website also shows dates of lectures and exhibitions about motherhood and sexuality. These exposures are very good because they give to the people useful and necessary information.
Icmer website has phone numbers and address of centers where women and teens can go or call if they have problems with their sexual or reproductive health.
I visit this webpage for the first time when I have pregnant friends because she asked to me found information about maternity. Since this fact I continually visit this site looking for interesting information.
I like this webpage because is too important for my career the themes that this page shows, and i think that this information is useful not only for my as future midwife but also for womans in search of information about reproductive and sexual health.

miércoles, 28 de abril de 2010

My Free time!

Be with my boyfriend is my favourite hobby. I start with this hobby when I started to go out with him, four months ago. In the summer we went together to the beach and in that moment we became inseparable. With him I developement my personality because he is soo extrovert and I don't have the ability to communicate with extrange people or other people easily, and with him I could develop this skill because him taught me to put aside my insecurity.
With him I can let go of tensions because with him I can forget my problems and get of of my mind all the things related to college for a moment and thus laugh, smile and live happily.
With him I also learned to love and this is the most important thing because with him i can be myself without fear because he love me with my strengths and weaknesses and if I'm wrong he is able to understand me and helped me to repair.
In the other hand he has helped me because I know that I have someone ever next to me for talk or everithing that I want.
In my free time I go with him to the mall to eat lots of food and buy a lot of thing like clothes,accessories,slippers or strange things in Casa Ideas.
We also go to the sculptures park where we can lie down on the grass and see the clouds, the leaves of trees, birds. When we do this i feel in the sky and that is my greatest reward.

miércoles, 21 de abril de 2010


The night of the earthquake I was in my apartment with my mom. This night I went to bed very late because I was talking with my boyfriend by msn. I was sleeping until my mom woke my up. I didn’t understand why my mom was desperate and in that moment I felt the movement of the earthquake. My mom ran across the corridor very quicky and I told myself that I have to calm my mom.
When I was with my mom under the door we heard the noise of the things falling down and the sound of the glasses trembling. I was so worried about my mom because she was screaming and she was so afraid because she was thinking that the building might fall.
When the earthquake finish I thought inmediatly in my boyfriend and I took my cell phone for called him, I marked his number but the lines was disconected.
I learned that in this cases the people have to be calm because when the people was desperate have high probababilities to be damaged.

miércoles, 14 de abril de 2010

Hi! my name is Loreto =) I'm studing obstetric because I like the babys and the world of the human reproduction.
This is my first class in the inglish lab. Here I create this blog. I've never had one and it's a bit confusing for me to use this.
In this moment I had a lot of things in my mind, like the bibliographical review and the large report that I have to do for this. I think in my boyfriend and I say to myself how long time has to happen for to see him again? u.u , I think in chemistry guide ahhh so many things.. that I have to do. I feel stressed. But I try to think positive :)