miércoles, 19 de mayo de 2010

Pleasure or necessity?

I think that the food is the one of the greatest pleasures that exist, because not only removes your hunger but also give to you something to enjoy and delight the palate.
I'm not the kind of person who has only one favorite food. I like many foods like chips,fried fish,beans,pizza, cakes, noodles with much bolognese sauce or the lasagna These two last ones now I don't like as before because the casino always have this food for luch.
I also like baked chicken with potatoes Duchess I think that this maybe can be my favourite food, but I think that I love all food provided you have good smell and appearance. Perhaps I am too greedy. I don`t know but to me is soo complicated decided who is my favourite food because I like many foods.
In Santiago I usually go to eat with my friends at Mcdonalds but the place depends of the occasion for example if we go to talk and eat we go at "Patio centro" but if we can to distract and eat we to Bellavista.
With my parents always go to lunch at the Eladio Restaurant. The food here is delicious!
The food that I consider enemy of good health is the junk food but eat this food occasionally is not soo bad.

2 comentarios:

konnicool dijo...

I love patio centro !!!
I go there with my friends !!
But I don´t like beans! My mother made me eat it !!
Guac ! jaja

Take care Loreto !!

Anónimo dijo...

I want to go home to eat your mom's lasagna *-* xd
PD: Today I ate other lolypop. I'm the lolypop's queen xd.

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