miércoles, 9 de junio de 2010

Men and Women differences through history

The "traditional" roles of men and women were established to ensure the power of the head of household. In antiquity, that head of household was male. We have been socialized to expect men to be brave, industrious and domineering. Women have been expected to be submissive, timid and nurturing. Because the typical male qualities were thought to be a better springboard for sound decision making, men became the power in the family. Women were left to lament their fates.
Now in our society is not the same being a woman than a man, but these differences are not as great as in antiquity.
One of these differences for example: the woman has joined the world of work but they earn less money than men working in the same position.I think that this is very unfair because not for be women they doing a bad work.
Obviously men and woman had biological differences and these produce that men for example dress differently than women and this generate different gender stereotypes between men and woman.
I believe that the differences between women and men should not be, because we are people and we have the same rights.
In my area not exists differences being a male midwife and being female midwife but a lot of people thinks that the male midwives are gay.
This is not true, but a lot of people in our society had in their minds that the midwives had to be a women.

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