miércoles, 30 de junio de 2010

My blogging experience

This semester in my English classes I had to write on this blog. I didn't know anything about blogs, but I was required to learn about this.
Really, for my it is very difficult talk about this topic, because sometimes I like blogging and other times I hate it.
Sometimes I enjoy write in the blog because I was inspired, the topics that the teacher gave were interesting and funny and had many things to write, as the topic of "Free time". I can write many thing because I like talking about myself and about things that I do.
I think blogging is good, because I learn to handle more language, but sometimes it gets boring because not always I come with the desire to start to writing.
Even so I learned new words and new modes of writing.
I think one of the greatest disadvantages of writing a blog is that many issues are bored and this means that I simply do not write well and sometimes use the translator.
Other disadvantage is that being on a computer with an internet often distracted by sites such as facebook.
Finally I believe that despite its drawbacks, which are due mostly to the boring, topics, I think that write in the blog is very good to improve our english.

miércoles, 23 de junio de 2010

My ideal job!

For me it was very hard to decide what I wanted to be when I will be adult, because is something that I do all my life and my duty to do so with joy and with the best possible arrangement to deliver a good service.
Since five years I dreamed of becoming a midwife and then specialize in the area of neonatology. Is for this reason that my ideal job is work in neonatology because I love the babies and I think that I have the necessary characteristics for this job, features such as speed and psychological capacity to perform such delicate work without feeling emotional pressure.
In seven years I can see me working in a hospital in the neonatology area, I can see me too taking care of many premature babies, conduct tests and most exciting is that I can see me waiting for the exit to the world of many babies.
I have very clear what I want so now I must endeavor to achieve good grades for then have a vacancy in the specialization of neonatology.
In my early years as a midwife I want to work very hard to save money and buy a house.
I think that until we have kids take turns not mind, but later I think that I take a other specialization " sex education". In this way I will have a work schedule that has no shift.

I do not care if I work in the public area or private area that really interests me is do my work in a pleasant environment where it may be able to grant the user the best possible service.

miércoles, 16 de junio de 2010

Education and prevention in health care

The term "prevention" is typically used to represent activities that stop an action or behavior. It can also be used to represent activities that promote a positive action or behavior.
Protective factors are conditions in families and communities that, when present, increase the health and well-being of children and families.
As a health worker I must promote various types of tecniques to keep the hygiene and with this, manage to the people can prevent diferents diseases, because with a simple measure as wash the hands before to eat can decrease the stomach infections in children.
Too measures such as warm in winter, not exposed to air currents, to teach children good hands hygiene and other various can dicrease diseases, but this needs the support and understanding of the whole family.
As a midwife my work is prevent, for example, the early pregnancies, poor lactation, sexually transmitted infections and unwanted pregnancies.
For this I have to promote the use of contraceptive methods, promote condon use and the most important promote that the young people have access to information about this methods and the correct use of this.
A lot of institutions work with young people through videos,talks and with personals citations with midwives or gynecologists for to clarify various doubts or to get protection methods to prevent an unwanted pregnancy or transmission of sexual infection.

miércoles, 9 de junio de 2010

Men and Women differences through history

The "traditional" roles of men and women were established to ensure the power of the head of household. In antiquity, that head of household was male. We have been socialized to expect men to be brave, industrious and domineering. Women have been expected to be submissive, timid and nurturing. Because the typical male qualities were thought to be a better springboard for sound decision making, men became the power in the family. Women were left to lament their fates.
Now in our society is not the same being a woman than a man, but these differences are not as great as in antiquity.
One of these differences for example: the woman has joined the world of work but they earn less money than men working in the same position.I think that this is very unfair because not for be women they doing a bad work.
Obviously men and woman had biological differences and these produce that men for example dress differently than women and this generate different gender stereotypes between men and woman.
I believe that the differences between women and men should not be, because we are people and we have the same rights.
In my area not exists differences being a male midwife and being female midwife but a lot of people thinks that the male midwives are gay.
This is not true, but a lot of people in our society had in their minds that the midwives had to be a women.