miércoles, 27 de octubre de 2010


Hi everyone today I'll speak about Dr. Maldonado's paper neuromyth. One caught my attention " We only use 10% of our brain"

A lot of times we hear that the people said we use only 10% of our brains, but dr. Maldonado said in his paper that this typical sentence is False.
After to read this paper I belive this sentence like any of you, but recently the scientists have found that this is false.
In 1930 one scientist explorer the brain using electric shocks and many areas, as many areas of the brain did not react to this shocks and he concluded that this areas had not function. Maybe before this results the people started to talk about we do not use the 100% of our brains.
But with the time, this theory was annulled. Years ago with the technology the scientists found that the brain is organized in multiple areas, such as vision, hearing, etc.. But if we're seeing us when we are also listening, we're moving, talking is, our brain is activating a number of areas for everything we do everyday is very difficult that only a part of our brain will be active.

Now if we think more deeply, we realize that even when we sleep we are using our brains, or do not you dream? when I read this article never in my life I had been thinking about this, and now I realize it's true, if we dream it should be because some part of our brain is active and if we add to this all the above areas is definitely impossible to think not to use all our capabilities.

I found this article fascinating because I was one of the persons that believe that we use only 10% of our brains and the doctor showed me with simple examples that this phrase was just a big myth.

martes, 26 de octubre de 2010

Work stress!

What is stress?
Many people ask this question and I think that stress is a growing problem, disabling either in the university and at work where he has a personal cost, socially and economically very important. The costs and losses for the cost of stress are many and increasing year after year, as some articles I've read the rate of absenteeism, low productivity in companies, occupational accidents and low morale at work are some of these losses.

Stress usually starts with a set of environmental demands received by the individual, which should give an adequate response, launching their coping resources. When demand from the environment (work, social, etc.) is excessive compared to coping resources owned, will develop a series of adaptive reactions, resource mobilization, involving physiological arousal. This stress response includes a number of negative emotional reactions, of which the most important are: anxiety, anger and depression.

In my physiology classes I have learned for example that the human body has a great set of protection mechanisms for almost any situation that produces stress or affect organ function. This reaction causes the body maintain balance. The stress response is not negative in itself, but on the contrary, it facilitates more resources to deal with situations that pose exceptional.
This is because what happens to me is that many times when an activity does not generate a minimum of stress eventually becomes boring and uninspiring and consequently becomes stressful

Finally I believe that the stress in a just measure is necessary for our development nevertheless when this one becomes slightly disagreeable and we use enormous mental and organic energy we have to stop and consult a specialist.

viernes, 15 de octubre de 2010

A healthy lifestyle

In these times is extremely difficult to live healthy because we have a lot of tentations.

But what does that mean? In general, a healthy person doesn't smoke, is at a healthy weight, eats healthy and exercises. Sounds simple, doesn't it?
The trick to healthy living is making small changes...taking more steps, adding fruit to your cereal, having an extra glass of water...these are just a few ways you can start living healthy without drastic changes.
Starting with small changes can go creating a routine and get stronger every day diet and exercise as these changes we do not ruin the mood as many people tend to happen

Eating a healthy diet is another part of the healthy lifestyle: eat more fruit, sneak in more veggies, switch your salad dressing, eat low-fat or fat-free dairy, make some substitutes, etc.

Also the habits of a person with a healthy lifestyle are doing exercices, take a walk,use the stairs and leave the elevator,etc.
The weekends are fine to go perfect for exercising and thus maintain a healthy lifestyle, for example you can go to the mountain bike and get to the virgin.
Another option is if you do not have much time in the week to go to gimasio go on the weekends and so do the exercise that could not be done in week.
For this is recommended use clothes to use light clothes and good sneakers.

Is difficult follow this, but all is posible, even more if it's your own life.